Durable Face Drilling Rigs
Jumbo Rigs for Drifting and Face Drilling
Amalgamated Mining and Tunnelling offers a wide selection of jumbo Face Drilling Rigs, ideal for a variety of applications. With automation features available, we design our rigs to withstand the force and pressure required to complete any drilling or mining task. The drills within our inventory are created for the specific purpose of large, onsite drilling projects. With extraordinary precision and efficiency, our face drilling rigs are the obvious choice for any business seeking to exceed conventional drilling applications.
Custom Rigs
With the ability to create custom parts for your Face Drilling Rig, AM&T will provide you with the confidence needed to accept a wide range of potential clients without worrying that your business lacks the proper equipment necessary to complete your client’s requested job(s).
For more information regarding our Face Drilling Rig or to learn how we can help your business grow, contact us today.